Video Details:
Date: 2022/03/19 File Size: 57.20 MB
Duration: 00:00:12 Frame Size: 1920 x 1080

9/11 Tribute Museum in NYC to shut down

A view of 9/11 Tribute Museum on March 18, 2022. The museum is expected to close permanently after a sharp decline in visitors and revenue since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Separate from the 9/11 Memorial at ground zero, the 9/11 Tribute Museum on Greenwich Street opened in 2006, originally by the widows and families of FDNY members who died in the attacks, as a support mechanism for all the victim's families. But sadly, like so many other entities, it could not survive and financially rebound from the pandemic shutdown.

€ 399.00
€ 50.00

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