Video Details:
Date: 2022/04/30 File Size: 61.24 MB
Duration: 00:00:16 Frame Size: 1920 x 1080

More than two million Ukrainian refugees in Poland

Ukrainian refugees search for clothes in PSL office in Krakow, Poland where U-Work Foundation provides free goods for war escapees as more than two million people have already fled Ukraine for Poland, April 4, 2022. As the Russian Federation invaded Ukraine, the conflict is expected to force up to 5 million Ukrainians to flee the country. Many of the refugees seek asylum in Poland. Most charitable help in Poland is provided by individuals, NGOs and businesses. U-Work started humanitarian help immediately after the invasion, the organisation was able to open a humanitarian help centre in PSL - one of political parties' offices, the organisation receives support from both local and international sponsors.

€ 399.00
€ 50.00

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