Video Details:
Date: 2024/12/17 File Size: 301.58 MB
Duration: 00:00:21 Frame Size: 3840 x 2160

Spotted Orb Weavers Spider - Neoscona - Araneidae - Animal India

Spotted Orb Weavers (Neoscona sp.) or Barn Spiders in the family Araneidae are nocturnal by nature and they come out during the night, and have the peculiar strange habit of eating and rebuilding their webs each day. Huge webs orbs are built with sticky silk at dusk and used for snaring prey during the night. At dawn, the spider reingests the strands (along with moisture that has collected on it as dew) and recycles the nutrients in making the next web. The amazing web patterns of spiders have fascinated humans for millennia. In Greek mythology, a skilled weaver named Arachne challenged the goddess Athena to a weaving contest that ended with the human being changed into a spider for her pride. A Spotted Orb Weavers (Neoscona sp.) spider with its prey in the morning before spinning its web at Tehatta, West Bengal; India on 06/12/2024.

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