Video Details:
Date: 2025/01/06 File Size: 2,257.80 MB
Duration: 00:02:06 Frame Size: 3840 x 2160

Tora Tora ride - Amusement park - Village fair

A "Tora Tora ride" is a type of amusement park attraction featuring a circular platform with multiple seats. This ride spins and tilts, providing riders with a sensation of flying through the air, similar to a spinning teacup ride. The name "Tora Tora" is likely derived from the Japanese word "tora," meaning "tiger," and it is often associated with the attack on Pearl Harbor, where "Tora Tora Tora" was the code phrase for "attack." The Tora Tora ride incorporates a rolling and rotating motion, with a spinning or tilting platform that whirls riders in a 360-degree movement, turning them sideways, upside down, and in various orientations, except for right side up. People are enjoying this "Tora Tora ride" at a rural fair at Tehatta, West Bengal, India on 29/12/2024.

€ 499.99
€ 399.00
€ 50.00

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