Video Details:
Date: 2017/06/30 File Size: 188.68 MB
Duration: 00:02:36 Frame Size: 1920 x 1080

265 Members of the European Parliament Condemn Human Rights Abuses in Iran

Gerard Deprez, MEP, Brussels, Belgium 26/06/2017 - Gerard Deprez MEP, Chair of Friends of a Free Iran in European Parliament in a statement announced the support of 265 members of the European Parliament for a joint statement on human rights in Iran and call for Iran’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) to be put on the Blacklist. This statement are from all political groups and tendencies in the European Parliament. They include 4 Vice-Presidents of the parliament and 23 Committee and Delegation Chairs. Gerard Deprez said, to express our solidarity with the Iranian democratic opposition, I will attend the Free Iran gathering in Paris on 1 July. We strongly encourage our European governments and the EU to follow our statement.

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