Video Details:
Date: 2020/11/08 File Size: 1,651.80 MB
Duration: 00:01:07 Frame Size: 3840 x 2160

Italian Party Fratelli D'Italia Rally In Padua

In the video a moment of the flashmob of the political group Fratelli D'Italia under the Prefecture of Padua. They express their disappointment with the ruling political class and Prime Minister Conte accusing them of having brought Italy into disarray. Padua, November 6, 2020, Italy. The new Dpcm imposed by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and entered into force on November 6 introduces more restrictive rules to try to stem the spread of Covid19. All this brings commercial activities throughout Italy to their knees already deeply affected by the previous emergency. Padua, November 6, 2020, Italy

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