Video Details:
Date: 2021/10/29 File Size: 174.65 MB
Duration: 00:00:12 Frame Size: 1920 x 1080

Rally against law banning equality marches in Warsaw

A woman holds up a sign reading 'LGBT are people not ideology' at the Royal Castle Square during a rally in Warsaw, Poland on 27 October, 2021. Several dozen people gathered to protest against a law proposal that would ban equality marches. The bill, introduced by conservative, anti-abortion activist Kaja Godek has critics fearing that a law will be passed fully banning gay pride marches, known as equality marches in Poland. Poland has been named as the worst country for LGBT people to live in the EU with several regions having declared themselves 'free of LGBT ideology'. The anti-LGBT climate in the country has seen many LGBT people seek refuge in neighboring countries.

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